Weight Watchers Works If You Follow It!
by Liz
(Philadelphia, PA)
Temporary success
I tried Weight Watchers a few times. The first time I lost about 20 pounds and was very successful. I, of course, went off the program and gained it back, plus fifty pounds =(.
I tried it again and did not do well. Now I am doing it again, and I am losing the weight.
Calorie counting
Weight Watchers is basically just counting calories, but instead of calories there are "points." I like that because I am bad at math and I enjoy the challenge of keeping within my points budget!
Weight Watchers encourages lots of water, veggies, two fats a day, fruit, dairy etc.
The meetings
The weekly meetings are good, but since I have been going there so long I often hear the same tips, advice, etc.
However, it's nice getting together with people who are also on a weight loss journey. My center has meetings that are too long, almost an hour, but I hear most places keep it to about 35-40 minutes.
How to make it work
If you follow this plan, it works. If you don't follow it, it won't.
It's healthy and reasonable and you will lose at least a pound a week if you follow everything.