by Rebekah Nelms
(Hendersonville, NC, USA)
I started the Weight Watchers diet after seeing my mom's success with the program. I followed the FlexPoints program for six months and lost 30 pounds.
I enjoyed being on the program and most of the time I could be satisfied with my food choices.
The program really preaches moderation. It was inconvenient to measure portion sizes and count points, but I feel like it was vital to my success.
There are many foods that have a 0 points value so you can eat a ton of it when you are hungry and out of points (broccoli is one of those foods.)
I only attended a few meetings in the beginning. I was in college at the time and couldn't afford the prices.
I had all the materials I needed (books of points values and the points slider) and I was able to be successful with those tools.
It wasn't terribly hard to stick to, but you do have to learn to turn down some things that you really enjoy. For me, it was soda and cake.
I would recommend the program and might try it again in the future.
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