Are you a little hard on yourself at times? Are you critical of the way you look? Does it have to be that way?
You actually can like the way you look. And you can like the way you are. And you can like yourself. It's up to you to decide.
What should you do? You can stop being mean to yourself. When you hear yourself saying bad things about yourself, stop it.
You shouldn't be mean to friends. You know that. So be a friend to yourself.
Think you can't do that? Then here's some weight loss motivation advice about changing your mind.
Imagine you are talking to a friend, and you hear yourself saying:
If you talked to your friend that way, you wouldn't be much of a friend, would you? Words do hurt.
Well, you deserve friends. And you deserve to be treated well.
You have good qualities. You are valuable. You don't deserve to be ridiculed and put down.
You really don't have a right to talk badly about someone you know. It is mean and it is not right.
And you don't have the right to talk badly about yourself either. It's just as mean as talking badly about somebody else.
And others shouldn't speak badly toward you either. Surround yourself with positive messages.
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