I know you've heard this: All you need to do to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. Right?
It sounds right. It seems like it makes sense.
Eat less -- lose weight. Exercise more -- lose weight. Nothing could be easier. That's all you have to do! So simple. It sounds like good advice.
The only ones that say that all you have to do to lose weight is eat less and exercise more are people who never had to lose weight themselves. This may be the most unhelpful advice ever given.
Everything is easy if you never had to do it yourself. Weight loss is easy if you never had to struggle to lose weight. But look, does this advice help you in any way?
You've lost weight before. But it came right back, didn't it? You dieted -- that's the "eat less" part -- and you lost weight. But then you regained what you lost.
So you see it isn't really true that all you have to do is eat less and you will lose weight.
They tell you, "Just eat less." Eat less of what? What foods are best? How much less should you eat?
If eating less is such a simple way to lose weight, then how about not eating at all? That would be one of the best tips to lose weight, wouldn't it? Except you'd starve to death.
You can just stop alcohol or cigarettes -- you know, go "cold turkey" -- but you can't go cold turkey on food. You have to eat.
So "eat less" is one of those things that sounds so simple. But it's not. There is some truth in it. So the idea sticks. But for most people it's bad weight loss advice and a frustrating dead end.
"Exercise more" sounds like it ought to be effective. But where do you start? If it's too easy it won't be effective. If it's too hard you'll be miserable and give up.
You really need to know:
Some of the worst advice you can get is the most simplistic. It falls into the category of, "If you just didn't eat so much..." How is that helpful?
Weight loss is a difficult problem. And difficult problems, you may have noticed, don't have simple solutions.
Take any big problem in the world as an example. Poverty. Taxes. Social injustice. If you pay attention, you'll hear lots of simple solutions offered for these big problems at the watercooler or the local bar or on television.
"Taxes?," he says. "I'll tell you what to do about taxes. Why, all you'd have to do is..." And then he launches into some pronouncement or other.
But does the problem get solved? No, it doesn't. And that is because complicated problems don't actually have simple solutions. And so when you try to apply simple solutions, they don't get solved.
Here is a test you can apply when you need to know if a solution is the correct one for the problem: Did the problem get solved?
Now, there are two bad aspects to these supposed simple solutions: One, they can make you feel bad about yourself. It can make you feel weak, like you don't have enough willpower. These aren't helpful tips to lose weight. It makes it sound easy when it's not easy.
And two, and probably more important: They keep you from finding out what you really need to know. Why? Because if it's so simple, there must not be anything else you need to know. And that's just not true.
When you're ready to lose weight, be sure to get a copy of Dr. Dan's Super Weight Loss Plan.
No matter what you've run into in the past, it fills in all the missing information. It will show you what you need to know and need to do to lose that extra weight and keep it off.
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