by Chin
I found out about "THE FIRM" series of workout videos through a video store. What caught my attention in this video is it is focused. That is why it is in series.
I bought a couple of videos and tried it at home for at least thrice a week. I find the exercise interesting, balanced and challenging.
There is a balance between cardio and toning plus not to forget the proper warm-ups and cool down part. Looking for something worthy to do over the summer break, I decided to start working out again.
At that time, I was trying to have a good rotation of different workout programs. I easily get bored so I have to find something that I can enjoy and at the same time see some results after some effort.
So here it goes, I started working out making sure that I do some cardio and some muscle toning each week. Doing "The FIRM" videos helped me choose the parts of my body that I want to tone.
The workout usually starts with warm-up then an interval between aerobics and muscle toning. I have to do a repeat of each exercise for each segment. I did this on a regular basis for 3 months. Luckily, I got some results after all the hard work.
I believe doing the exercise made me feel really strong and my metabolism is better. Friends notice some nice lean muscles especially on the arms.
Doing this workout made me feel more confident. It was all worth it, the pain and discipline it takes to wake up early in the morning plus the motivation to choose the foods that I will eat.
I would recommend this to all people who would like to have a balance between weight loss and being toned.
Note from Dr. Dan
I agree with your assessment of the Firm videos. They are professionally produced and very effective.
The workouts aren't easy. You'll definitely work up a sweat if you follow them exactly.
And just like with any video or exercise class, if you're not in the greatest shape when you start you can make adjustments to suit your abilities. For example, if the pace is too fast, then do every other movement, or every third one.
Even you are one of those people who think, "Exercise just isn't for me," you can benefit from this workout. In fact exercise is for everyone. These bodies were meant to be used. So start using yours today.
Dr. Dan
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