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Comments for Slim-Fast Diet Shimmy and Shake

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Slimfast works
by: Anonymous

To be honest with everyone, I have been on the slimfast diet numerous times, and I never had any health problems.

My doctor says I'm in good condition, and usually when I would do a slimfast diet I would have 1 shake a day along with tea/juice/v8 and water. My slimfast diets would be for 2 weeks.

In 2 weeks I would lose about 20 pounds, and then I would gradually let myself back onto solids with eating raw fruits or vegetables for the first week then the second week I would have one nice meal in the morning and burn it off throughout the rest of the day.

Finally the third week I would have already trained my body to eating small portions and keep the weight off permanently.

Now the slimfast diet does require some self control. However for those who are thinking that consuming unlimited slimfast shakes or bars in a day will help you lose weight,'re wrong about that and you will get fat. The slimfast diet is suppose to help you maintain a healthy eating habit.

I used to be 263 pounds, and I started the diet to try and boost my self esteem because I was tired of not being able to buy clothes or eat in front of people. I felt embarrassed every time I left my home or went to a store because I always had this thought in the back of my mind that people were staring at how fat I was.

Guess what people, I weigh 120 pounds and I swim every day, and most importantly I like my body. If I can do it, then you can too.

Like I said before, dieting takes a lot of self control. Now if you people take my advice on this, remember to do 2 weeks every 2 months. The month in between is to help your body adjust to the weight you have lost, so do not fall to temptation and stuff your face.

Try eating sandwiches with whatever you like on it (just don't eat more than 1 tablespoon of mayo on each sandwich) during your month and don't forget to drink at least 3 glasses of cold water.

I can guarantee you will lose almost 100 pounds in a year if you keep at it. No fried or fast foods either. Grease definitely increases your chances of a heart attack.

If you have any questions you can just hit me up on

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