by Chelsea Burgess
I literally drooled awaiting the UPS driver with my new P90X workout and nutrition guide. When it finally crossed my threshold, I ripped the box open, completed the fit test and dove in.
This series of workouts is NO laughing matter.
I chose the Lean program out of the three options which gave me more cardio than anything else, and being a mom of three, and having had a C-Section to boot, I needed it.
Each workout is at least 50 minutes, and can go up to an hour and a half.
I. was. dripping. sweat. the. WHOLE. time.
It is TOUGH... but Tony Horton kept me motivated and wanting to finish.
This is a 90 day program, and I'm currently on day 72. I've lost 15 pounds while following the nutrition guide to the best of my ability, (I'm a serious baker).
Each of the videos from cardio to Kenpo Karate, to strength in Legs and Back, Back, Shoulders, Chest, Arms... each one of them comes with their own challenges - things I never once thought I would be doing. And I'm DOING IT!
Pushups while clapping in between? Done it! Pull Ups? Done it! Yoga for an hour an a half where I'm dripping sweat all over my exercise mat and begging for forgiveness? Been there and completed it.
This is a Whoop in the Pants but magically keeps you going workout. A+
Chelsea Burgess
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