by Pat
(Overland Park, KS)
I would recommend the P90X workout system to anyone who was wanting to get fit or even to somebody who is already fit and simply wants a new challenge.
In November 2009, my wife and I had a baby, and shortly after that I realized that making daily trips to the gym was going to be close to impossible.
Trying to balance this with conflicting work schedules and taking care of a newborn was just not going to happen. So, I canceled my gym membership and looked for effective ways to work out at home.
I had heard of P90X, and my father-in-law was a big proponent of it and said it was an amazing workout.
I was skeptical, simply due to the fact that I was used to being a gym rat, lifting heavy weights for my workouts. Workout DVDs seemed like kind of a joke to me.
Boy was I wrong. After my first P90X workout, I was dying. It was a chest and back workout, and involved nothing more than my own body weight and a pull up bar.
Quite frankly, I was more worn out and sore than I had been from a weight training session in a long time.
The second day was Plyometrics, or jump training. This was officially the hardest/best workout I've ever had. It was like nothing I've ever done before.
Jumping, lunging, squatting, twisting, and the most severe burning in my legs I've ever felt. It was after this second workout that I was truly convinced that this was going to be the way to go.
Well here I am, over six months later and I've lost 11 pounds and actually have a six-pack developing, which is something I've NEVER had and always wanted.
I was in pretty good shape when I started, and this P90X took it out of me like no other!
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