by Loren
(Atlanta, GA USA)
One of the easiest ways I learned to work out was dancing. I danced for years from age twenty onward, though I have stopped lately.
Before I started dancing working out for me was always a challenge. Finding the time and actually wanting to do the actual work has fleeted me again and again.
I found out about how effective dancing can be from a friend. She would blast her favorite songs for an hour each day, and she told me that was her only form of exercise and it worked.
So I tried it. After a while of doing it, I did get in better shape. I could dance longer and longer, without being tired.
What made it difficult was that I sometimes used 5lb. weights in order to build resistance.
It helped me physically, because it helped build my strength and stamina. Mentally, it helped because I knew that I was doing something each and every day for my health, and it was something I actually liked and enjoyed.
I tried one class with others, but prefer to work out at home at my own pace. As I get back into dancing, and practicing, I would like to take another dance class.
It was a daily workout, each evening. I didn't become sore after a while, when it became just part of my daily routine.
It definitely made me feel stronger, and less tired during the day. I never sustained any serious injuries from in-home dancing, just the occasional hurt ankle.
I am trying to start exercising again, and get my routine back in practice, because once you get your exercise out of the way that day, you often barely remember even doing it. I plan to couple the dancing with outdoor walking as well.
Anyone who wants to start preparing themselves for an aerobics class, or a dance class, should probably try it out indoors. You need nothing but yourself and a clear space.
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