The more directly you face a problem -- any problem -- the easier it is to solve.
Short-term quick fixes get you nowhere. A real solution includes planning.
Planning starts with:
Proper planning can help you reach goals that you thought you'd never reach. Find our more about the best diet plan for you at this link.
You should set firm goals. These include:
Short term weight loss -- dropping the first 10 pounds -- celebrate that. It's reachable.
But don't sell yourself short. What about a long-term goal:? Lean and sexy. Muscular. Trim. Or just thinking you look good in your clothes and can do the things you want to do in life without a struggle. How would that be?
Body composition? Lose fat, not muscle.
Time? The most successful weight loss is sure and steady. Not fast. Not drastic. It takes time.
Here's a link to much more about setting your weight loss goals and actually reaching them.
How? First, invent -- dream it up -- your new body. Pick your:
Dream it up and write it down.
Find a picture to go with it. That's how you're going to look. Put a copy on your refrigerator. Another one on your mirror.
Second, decide how you'll get there:
Follow this link for more on making a healthy weight loss plan.
How? Commit yourself. Write it down.
Then post it: On the mirror. In your journal. But only post it where you have complete trust in anyone that might see it. Any chance someone will see it that does not support you 100% at all times? Then never let them see your goals.
"Lose weight" is not a goal.
Goals are exact. Numbers. Dates. Nothing wishy-washy.
Clear goals = clear path to success.
Real goals aren't made of spider webs and shadows. Real goals are set in concrete. Find out more about successful weight loss here.
It's the little things that count. There's no magic bullet.
Looking for an instant solution? Stop looking. It won't happen.
Will it make you healthier? Stronger? Leaner? Then use it.
Do not miss the healthy weight loss tips at this link.
Your plan should lead to success. Not failure.
Not "papa bear" too hard. Or "mama bear" too easy. But "baby bear" just right.
These all need to be in balance: Exercise. Diet. Sleep. Supplements. Free time. Friends. It all matters.
The key: Don't do things that make you fail.
Here's the best weight loss plan to get your life in balance.
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