Here is a circuit training exercise program that you can use if you are just starting out. It's also great if you are already in shape and want a fast workout to hit the whole body.
It has a lot of good points:
Circuit training exercise is where you go from machine to machine in the gym, and each machine emphasizes a different body part. So instead of concentrating on one area of the body -- the chest for example -- you are working a different area of the body with each exercise.
In this workout you are working 3 body areas: back, chest, and legs.
So you do an exercise for the chest. Then one for the back. Then one for the legs.
But then you start over. You are doing a different exercise, but the exercise is for the same area: chest again, then back again, then legs again.
You can go fast through the workout. You don't have to rest between exercises. When you finish the chest you go right to the back exercise.
The back muscles are rested because you have been working the chest only. So the back muscles are fresh and strong. You do the back exercise.
Then you go to the leg exercise. The legs are rested because you have been working chest and back. So the legs are strong.
Then you do the chest again. You have had a couple of minutes to rest the chest muscles and you are working a different muscle group than you were the first time.
So even though you worked the chest muscles already you are still strong and you can do it without difficulty. So you can keep going.
Since you return to the chest several times, you can build the muscles in the chest better. The same for back and legs. This is going to really build up your metabolism. And that is going to melt off that fat.
In this workout you hit each area several times. So you will find your results will be better over time. You will get stronger and stronger.
If you are a little weak on one exercise, you come back to it again. You will have another chance to stimulate your muscles and make them grow.
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