Hello, my name is Dan Curtis, M.D. I’m glad you found my web site.
I am writing this to give you a little bit of information about myself.
I am an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of South Florida.
For many years I have taught medical students and residents, first at UCLA in Los Angeles and currently at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida.
Although my web site is about weight loss, I also specialize in emergency medicine. I've worked for over 20 years teaching and treating patients in hospitals and major trauma centers.
I also have a medical practice in the Clearwater, Florida area with my wife Danuta Jackson-Curtis, M.D., a pediatrician.
I have a personal interest in weight loss. A number of members of my family going back several generations have had trouble with weight.
And I was heavy growing up. So it is a subject that means a lot to me. Because of this I have spent many years researching and writing about weight loss.
Some time back it became clear to me that in the weight loss field there was a lot of inaccurate information, as well as people selling half truths and outright falsities in order to make money, and I wanted to do what I could to help correct this.
Of course I used what I knew to help my patients with their weight. But I wanted to be able to reach larger numbers of people.
Because of this I needed to be able to have a way to communicate what I had found. In this day and age the obvious way to do this is the internet.
That led to this web site, my-weight-loss-advisor.com, where I outline a comprehensive program for permanent weight loss.
So, that’s a little about me. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is any way I can be of help.
Yours truly,
Dr. Dan
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