by Jessica
(houston, tx, U.S.)
I'm 16 years old and I felt I needed to lose weight. My friend started a fitness club at our high school so I decided to join.
I began to go and it was so tiring but so rewarding. I felt good that I could accomplish all the things he would make us do.
We would run a mile to warm up and do a couple of crunches and push ups and run again and do all these different things.
But one day he decided we were ready to be pushed a little farther. He told us we were gonna run around the neighborhood near our school. We ran 5 miles!
I was huffin and puffin and in between he would make us do squats. I felt like my legs were on fire!
I could not keep up and I kept feeling like I was gonna give up. When we finally were done he gave us a little break.
After that he made us do bleachers with is when you run up and down some bleachers. I was already exhausted but he pushed me to do it.
I felt out of breath like I was gonna faint or something so I stopped. I was super dizzy and I threw up a bit. (only a tiny bit!) but then I continued and finish. This is ultimately the most difficult exercise I have ever done.
But this helped me grow physically. I have continued to exercise and lost the weight I wanted off. And I am way more fit now and can run 5 miles much more easily than I did that day.
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